Konfigurasi WebMail Server - Middun -->

Konfigurasi WebMail Server


Konfigurasi WebMail Server


1) apt-get install postfix squirrelmail courier-imap courier-pop

Create directories for web-based administration    : NO

Local only                                                                         : OK

General type of mail configuration                             : Internet Site

System mail name                                                        : mail.itservice5.co.id.


2) nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

# Include the virtual host configurations:

Include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/

Include /etc/squirrelmail/apache.conf


3) nano /etc/squirrelmail/apache.conf

                Alias /webmail /usr/share/squirrelmail                #alias diganti menjadi “Alias /webmail”

<Directory /usr/share/squirrelmail>


# users will prefer a simple URL like http://webmail.example.com

<virtualhost *:80>                                          {hilangkan pagar dan edit}

DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail

ServerName    mail.itservice5.co.id



4) /etc/init.d/apache2  restart

5) maildirmake  /etc/skel/Maildir

6) dpkg-reconfigure postfix

Local only                                                                                      : OK

General type of mail configuration                                          : Internet Site

System mail name                                                                       : mail.itservice5.co.id

Root and postmaster mail recipient                                         : (kosongkan)

Other destinations to accept mail for (blank for none)       : (tambahkan)

Force synchronous updates on mail queue                            : No

Local networks                                                                             : (tambahkan)

Use procmail for local delivery                                                 : NO

Mailbox size limit (bytes)                                                           : 0

Local address extension character                                           : +

Internet protocols to use                                                           : ipv4


7) nano /etc/postfix/main.cf

inet_interfaces = all

inet_protocols = ipv4

home_mailbox = Maildir/


8) /etc/init.d/postfix  restart.


9) /etc/init.d/courier-imap  restart


10) /etc/init.d/courier-pop  restart


11) adduser namapeserta5{password lks2013}

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